5 Fundamentals for the Wholesale Distribution Branch Manager is the classic step-by-step guide to helping branch managers improve their business and leadership skills. The branch manager is the key to success for every wholesaler-distributor according to author Jim Ambrose: “If winning means profitable market share and profitable market share growth, then developing the branch manager is essential to a company’s success.”
Ten years after the successful first edition was published, so much had changed in distribution branch management. This second edition is completely revised with vital new information that today’s branch manager needs to read to succeed in today’s very challenging economy!
One of the biggest trends related to branch business is the even higher expectation for branch manager performance today. The traditional advancement of a person going from inside sales to outside sales to branch manager is no longer the assumed track. The branch manager who comes up that track with no business and leadership skills has really struggled as companies push even harder for improved performance at the branch level. Regardless of organizational structure, the branch manager — the CEO at the market level — must possess the 5 Fundamentals in this book if the company is to remain profitable and provide the best value for customers in today’s new market landscape.
April Michelle Davis worked with the author in preparing this manuscript for the publisher. April Michelle provided developmental editing and copyediting. She reorganized sections of the book and modified sections according to the desires of the publisher’s board. In addition, April Michelle coded the manuscript to ease the layout process for the book designer.